March 03, 2011

Tidbits And Giveaway Stuff

Hello there! First I would like to say a couple things about the giveaway. I know it has already been almost two weeks, but I really want to go another week because I was hoping for a few more participants. Thank you bunches to those of you who have entered, you guys are the best! I would just love to get a few more people involved. So, I don't usually do this, but if you post about my Giveaway on your blog and then leave me a comment on the giveaway post to let me know, you will get an extra entry, yay!

Here are two things I recently got from the Chantilly gift boutique. We have a lot more than just tea! Also, I don't know if I mentioned this on the giveaway post, but we have a lot of items not tea related at all as well, so even if you don't like tea you should still enter!

A tea pot necklace,

and a tea cozy that was hand-knit by one of the ladies who works in the Chantilly kitchen. So cute, right?

Okay besides that I have been pretty busy with life and stuff, but here are a couple tidbits of my life.

It snowed! Well, there was only a tiny skiff on the tops of our cars at six in the morning, but there was still snow in the mountains when I got up for real.

Don't worry the weather is back to being warm again! And despite the brief cold my calla lily plant seems to like it here. It died all the way back when we first arrived and I thought it might be done for, but recently it has shot up like nobody's business!

It is at about two and a half feet right now! Silly plant.

And here are some Tucson sky shots.

Hope you have a lovely weekend. I am going to the local renaissance fair with Mister B on Saturday, and then will be having a picnic tea in the park with some friends on Sunday. Hopefully there will be lots of pictures from those things to share!


  1. Those sky photos are just stunning!

    Ooooo.....and the Ren Faire! Yay! We go every year...ours starts late April. Do you dress up? We do...haha!

    Can't wait to see your pics!

  2. I hope you will share photos from the Ren Faire! I love attending them - ours happen in the fall. :) Theresa
