March 21, 2013


I haven't posted for ages. Partly from business, partly from laziness, and party because sometime I get discourage when my blog doesn't look as nice/professional as other peoples' and my photos are crappy. Really I just want lovely, high quality, photos, but my camera is not great and I sometimes I just feel like why bother?

But it is spring and I felt the need to get the old Halloweenish color scheme off of here and at least post something!

I decided that since my point and shoot camera photos aren't much better than the ones my phone takes I might as well just take more pictures with my phone since all my google accounts are connected and I can upload them directly to blog posts instantly without having to worry about plugging my camera in, downloading them, etc.

So without further ado here are a couple random photos that I found on my phone of recent events.

It is Renaissance Festival season here in Arizona! I have already been twice and am planning to go a third time before it is over. The first time I went I dressed up in my TARDIS costume. I got lots of compliments and bawdy jests. I also got an invitation by one of the higher ups to work there next year, which I think I really want to do! It would be so fun to dress up every day and camp out with other employees at night. Hopefully it will actually work out.

Anyway, I don't have any pictures of me, but here are some other Arizona Renaissance Festival related photos (It is their 25th anniversary this year and is an amazing festival, I highly recommend going if you are in the area):

While purchasing a cup of mead I heard some raucous yelling of "King in da norf!" so I had to hunt down this young Stark lad for a photo.

Continuing in the Song of Ice and Fire theme, I am hoping to be Daenerys for Comic-Con this year and purchased three of these adorable dragons in the appropriate colors to add to my costume.

Here is me and a girl I ran into who was dressed as the Doctor. I guess she had the same idea that since we travel in time we could easily be in the Renaissance!

Here we have Mister B eating the necessary turkey legg (when you spell it with two Gs it makes it old timey), the turkey legs and the joust are his favorite parts of the festival. Also, he got a few jeers for supporting House Lannister, but to be fair their lion sigil is pretty cool.

And unrelated to the festival, but still adorable, here are a couple shots of my furs with various cozy blankets.

They only just tolerate each other which is why when Mal jumped up right next to her, LC had that "What the hell?" look on her face.

Well there you have it. They aren't great photos, but they are easy enough that maybe I will update here more often!


  1. I hope so! Love to see what you've been up to. Ren Faire is now through Mid May around here, so I may have photos to share soon, too :)

    Cute Mal....I remember when you got that sweet little guy :)

  2. Hi there!! I just did my first post since last Halloween (oops!) and thought I'd visit some blogs I haven't seen in a while :) I love your Ren Faire costume!! I have been planning on taking Daniel for five years now (he's never been!) Maybe next year... Your fur kids are looking super cute :) Hugs, Lauren
