June 09, 2013

The Weekend

A few photos from the weekend (still with old camera as new one hasn't arrived yet).

Saturday morning breakfast.

Don't look to closely at bunny mug in background as it is slightly inappropriate

Bread, cheese, and beer to go with pot roast for Sunday dinner (bread recipe from here).

Cheese flavored with black tea and bergamot 

Stone IPA

Happy weekend! 


  1. YOUR bread looks sublime!!!

    I love bacon.

    I wish I wasn't cat allergic.

    I want a few on my table.

    OH oh oh oh, Lovee had that mug!!

    I think I hid it somehwere 12 years ago.

    I have been known to hide things so well, that we never find them again - as I forget where I hid them. I am missing some jewelry pieces because of that, and one external hardrive. EEK!

    You are up to lovelinessss as usual ;)

    1. Thank you miss V! I can't believe Lovee had the same mug, that is too funny. I am sure it is around somewhere, you should dig it out again!

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  5. What is the biscuit looking creation? Cheesy eggs? Lemon rind scones? Tell me...I must know! Heehee!

    I'm just thinking of all the magic you'll make with a box full of farm fresh goodies!
    That bacon is drool-worthy, too....you must buy the thick cut!

    1. Cameron, they are savory scones! A slight variation on the recipe that we use at the tea room where I work. They are quite tasty!
