{Harvest Moon}
Well here we are, the first day of Autumn. Not that you would know it here in Tucson where it is still in the 90s. Lately (okay, so almost the whole summer actually) I have been quite homesick. I yearn for forests and mountains, rain and the sea. Oh Oregon, how I miss thee. But being trapped in the desert all I can do is turn up the AC and dream of cooler days.
So what does one do when one dreams of a thing beyond reach? Why, make a Pinterest board of course! A board dedicated to that feeling I just can't get in the desert. Not just fall (I already have a board for that), but crisp air in the mountains, firelight, and the scent of wood smoke on the breeze. If you would like to share all the feels you can check it out HERE.
Here are a few other things that I am either currently enjoying, or coveting to help get in the fall spirit.
A candle that smells of campfire - this is on my list.
Pumpkin Tea: I recently bought this and it is perfect for the season. The flavor is ideal, but it is a bit weak, so I would use multiple bags if you are making a pot and like strong tea like I do.
This coat - I am not sure why, but I am strangely attracted to it.
This pie - which I plan on making as soon as is humanly possible!
Do you have any fall necessities that I should know about? Any good image suggestions for my Pinterest board? Please share in the comments!

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