October 23, 2010

A Feel A Tea Party Coming On....

Sorry full moon tea party revelers, but I have not managed to get my post together yet. Mister B's dad is visiting and we have been very busy doing all sorts of things, and soon will be playing golf! However, I will be hosting my tea party later tonight while they are at the football game. I can't wait! There is nothing I love more than a good tea party! Especially if it is a witchy one. So please stop by again later and have a cuppa with me.


  1. Thank you for being the first one to stop by my party !! :-) I can't wait to come back later and see all of the goodies you have waiting for us :-D

  2. Will come back again later. I barely got my post up this morning. I'm having a great giveaway too. Come on by Ivory Pumpkin when you can!

  3. hello!
    i will definately be back later to witness all the magic!

  4. Hey dearest,
    You know me. I am always running late, even for my own Spooky Mondays. I will definitely be back for some tea and fun.
    Come by and visit for a spell when you are able. I finally got my post up this evening as well.
    Spells and Wishes,
    Wendy from Wonderland


  5. Please fly by for my giveaways when you can...
    Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy

    My Haunted Halloween Party Link:
